Cherry And Strawberry Jello

This is a simple recipe to make any time.

Strawberry Jello packet
Cherry Jello packet
T-tin or something to put the jello in

First, get a half of a cup of hot water and a half of a cup of cold water for each flavor.

Next, stir the water until the mix is completely dissolved .

Then, pour the mix into the tins and carefully put the fruit in with the same flavor and keep the stem of the fruit out of the jello.

Lastly, keep the jello in the fridge for about 50 minutes to an hour and fifteen.

When the jello is ready to come out of the fridge, gently take them out of the tins.

This is what they should look like so if they don’t look like this try again, you will get it right !





Good luck!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

Back To School

This week has been great, I have gone back to school and I got both ELA and Math honors. I feel amazing and I can’t wait for the long weekend because I have Friday and Monday off. I hope that the rest of the school year will be great also. Come back soon to see some more posts… Bye! ๐Ÿ™‚
